One SCORE Initiative: Elevating Small Businesses in the Mid-Atlantic Region


A Comprehensive Approach to Entrepreneurial Guidance

SCORE’s commitment to keeping entrepreneurs informed takes a significant step forward with the “One SCORE” initiative. This comprehensive approach aims to provide a platform for local chapters to collaborate, share resources, and present business-oriented webinars to a broader audience. The Mid-Atlantic region is at the forefront of this new model, showcasing webinars that cover vital topics such as starting a business, crafting business plans, financial projections, and effective marketing strategies.

Leading the Way in Innovation

Ed Coleman, the Mid-Atlantic SCORE Regional Vice President and a dedicated volunteer mentor, expressed enthusiasm for the initiative, stating, “We are leading the way in the nation within the SCORE organization in developing, testing, and executing this and measuring our clients’ impact as a result of these efforts.” He emphasized the importance of quality, consistency, and aligning topics with the specific needs of small business clients.

Collaborative Efforts for a Wider Impact

By pooling resources and eliminating duplication, the participating chapters can offer a more extensive range of online workshops. On average, 15 webinars will be available monthly, with most being free of charge. SCORE mentors will lead many of these sessions, ensuring expertise and relevance. Additionally, paid workshops can be attended at no cost with a coupon code from a SCORE mentor.

Linda Zangrilli, SCORE Bucks County Chairwoman, expressed her optimism, stating, “It’s a great way to reach a bigger population and be more consistent in the message that we offer.” She emphasized the potential to attract a more extensive clientele by putting forward the best speakers and topics.

A Holistic Approach to Mentorship

In addition to online educational offerings, SCORE volunteers continue to provide no-cost one-on-one mentoring in various formats— in-person, online, or via phone and email. The mentors, with diverse backgrounds in finance, accounting, business operations, information technology, marketing, and more, are matched with clients based on industry expertise.

Localized Focus and Ongoing Initiatives

While the “One SCORE” initiative takes center stage, local SCORE chapters retain the ability to offer location-specific webinars and in-person events. For example, the Bucks County chapter, serving small business owners in Bucks County and eastern Montgomery County, will continue hosting its popular annual women’s event. This commitment to community-specific programs ensures a tailored approach to entrepreneurship support.

A Legacy of Support

Since its inception in 1964, SCORE has played a pivotal role in assisting over 11 million aspiring entrepreneurs. Annually, the organization provides mentoring and workshops to more than 375,000 new and growing small businesses. SCORE Bucks County, with its 70-plus members, delivers over 4,300 free mentoring services each year to local small business owners through one-on-one counseling and seminars.

In conclusion, the “One SCORE” initiative represents a pioneering effort to revolutionize how SCORE delivers its invaluable guidance to small businesses. By embracing collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to local communities, SCORE continues to be a driving force in fostering entrepreneurial success in the Mid-Atlantic region and beyond.

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